Metrika AG uses cookies analytics (non-essential cookies) on its website. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your internet browser. Your internet browser will save the cookie. A cookie is usually a unique number with which data can be associated. All cookies are set by Metrika AG.
Metrika AG uses cookies to ensure you have the best possible user experience on our web site and can navigate the web site quickly and efficiently. Metrika AG also deploy cookies to determine where Metrika AG can improve the web site to make it even quicker and easier for you to find what you are looking for.
Metrika AG uses the cookies for various reasons:
You can accept cookies by clicking the Accept and Close button on the home page of this web site. The next time that you will visit the website, the cookie pop up will not be showed. If the cache is cleared, the pop up will still appear the next time that you will visit the website.
If you accept, you are accepting all cookies used on this website.
If you do not wish to accept cookies, you have to change the settings of your internet browser to block all cookies. After rejecting, you may continue your visit, no cookies will be used but the functionality of the website may be impacted.
The next time you will visit our website, you will be informed again that our website uses cookies.
Cookies will expire after 3 months.
The Website uses Google Analytics 4 to analyse the use of the website itself. Google Analytics 4 cookies manage anonymous information on the behaviour of visitors of a website. This information is submitted directly to Google.
The user can prevent the transmission of the data recovered from cookies to Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin from the following link:
Metrika AG do not ask you to enter any of your security details into a pop-up screen. If you see one of these screens then it is almost certainly a scam.
If in doubt about the validity of a particular message, we encourage you to forward the message onto
Metrika AG does not seek to collect sensitive personal data (such as data revealing political opinions, religious beliefs, health or other matters) through this web site. Please note that, by providing Metrika AG with unsolicited sensitive personal data you (explicitly) consent to our use of said data as described above.
Please note that this Privacy Statement does not extend to third party sites linked to this web site and/or to third party sites linked to this web site.
Metrika AG reserves the right to change (sections of) this Cookies Statement at any time and without notice. It is recommended that you review this statement periodically for changes.
The web site ( is administered by:
Metrika AG
Bleicherweg 50
CH-8002 Zürich
Call.: +41 (0)44 5125004